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  • Hi there, my name is Annabel.
    Petit Canard's Kitchen is my recipe journal. It's where I write about the recipes that intersect my life, work, every day life and friends.
    Most of the recipes are from my cookbook collection, sometimes they were given by friend and sometimes I created them myself.
    I am trained in French cooking but have a strong interest for Japanese, Italian, Chinese and other cuisines from the world.
    I will only post recipe with seasonal ingredients at time of posting (in UK)

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Rouget barbet au fenouil – Red mullet with braised fennel

Both mullets and fennel are at their best in July through September.

This is a classic Provencale dish.


Both fennel and red mullets pair well with saffron. I have therefore prepared this dish with a simple saffron risotto.

Fennel has a strong aniseed taste. Feel free to deglaze the pan with a little Pernod to add taste to the sauce.

Ingredients for 2 :

– 2 red mullets

– 1 bulb of fennel

– 1/2 onion or 1 banana shallot

– 1 small to medium carrot

– 1 garlic clove

– 125 ml white wine

– A couple of sprigs of thyme

– 1 bay leave

– S&P

Method :

Start by preparing the fennel. It will need at least 2 hours of cooking in the oven !

1. Pre-heat the oven to 180c and bring a pan of water to the boil

2. Chop the fennel in 1/2 and discard the tough top branches. Blanch the fennel bulbs in salted boiling water for 3 to 4 minutes

3. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion or shallot and finely dice the carrot (brunoise), about 3 mm cubes

4. Heat some olive oil in an oven-proof pan and sweat the onions and carrots with the thyme and bay leave

5. Meanwhile, peel and finely chop or crush the garlic and sweat with the carrots and onions. Season with salt and pepper

6. Add the fennel, flat side down on top of the carrots and onions garnish

7. Pour the wine into the pan and cover with water

8. Cover the pan with a lid or seal with tin-foil and place in the oven to braise for 2 hours or until the fennel is soft

9. Remove the fennels bulbs and keep warm in a low oven until ready to serve whilst you finish the sauce

10. Place the pan on the hob and bring the cooking liquor to the boil. Keep on boiling until reduced to a thick consistency (about 20 to 30 mins), emulsify with a little olive oil and pour over the fennel on a serving plate

11. Fillet the fish, don’t forget to pin-bone (remove the bones at the centre of the fillet)

12. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan to smoking point

13. Press the fillets, skin-side down to sear, leave to cook on high heat for 2 to 3 mins

14. Turn the heat right down and cook the fillets flesh-side down for another couple of minutes

Serve with a saffron risotto

Wine pairing : White Cote du Rhone

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